Sujay Nair
I’m a third year math and CS double major at Georgia Tech. I also work as a student researcher at the MIT Climate and Sustainability Consortium where I’m lucky to be advised by Dr. Evan Coleman, Prof. Sherrie Wang, and Prof. Elsa Olivetti. My research focuses on using machine learning to infer properties of soil, with applications in carbon capture and mineral discovery.
Previously I’ve had the chance to work on applications of machine learning in sports, robotics, and astronomy, and have spent time at NASA JPL. Outside of work I enjoy pottery, chess, basketball and football.
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Publications & Preprints
Structured spectral reconstruction for scalable soil organic carbon inference.
Evan Coleman, Sujay Nair, Xinyi Zeng, Elsa Olivetti.
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning Workshop 2024
In this project we developed a new architecture for inferring soil properties such as carbon from spectra.
Using Deep Learning to Predict Exoplanet Planetary Parameters based on Generated Light Curves
Sujay Nair, Kyle Pearson
In this project we train a 1D Convolutional Neural Network to take as input artificially generated light curves mimicking TESS observations at a 2 min cadence and outputa list with predicted planetary parameters-namely, Rp/Rs, Period, a/Rs, and T-mid.Comparing to the current state of the art algorithm, Transit Least Squares (TLS),which does not rely on machine learning, our Rp/Rs mean absolute error is roughly the same. We are still tuning the model to reach TLS performance for Period.
Crowd-sourcing the Updating of Exoplanet Transit Timing Variations and Detecting Exoplanets using Deep Learning
Sujay Nair
Washington State Science and Engineering Fair(WSSEF), 2021
Additional video project summary
This summarizes my research in the area of updating exoplanet transits, crowd-sourcing the exoplanet transit effort, and deep learning for exoplanet detection.
Sequence-based Encoding of Light Curves for Exoplanet Detection
Sujay Nair, Kyle Pearson
AAS 238, 2021
We explore the benefits of using recurrent neural networks for predicting the exis-tence of an exoplanet. We tested LSTM layers in our Convolutional Neural Network(CNN) versus our standard CNN with synthetically generated light curves with vary-ing amounts of noise.
Using Deep Learning with Phase Folded Light Curves to Detect Exoplanets
Sujay Nair, Kyle Pearson
AAS 237, 2020
We extend the work of transit detection by utilizing phase folded light curves to traina convolutional neural network to predict the existence of an exoplanet. We propose a scheme to generate synthetic data mimicking TESS observations from a single sector where the positive training samples are randomly generated transit data phasefolded at the correct period, and the negative training samples are folded at a randomincorrect period.
Citizen Scientist Transit and Comparison Star Analysis of HATS-4 b with the East Bay Astronomical Society
Sujay Nair, Caroline Scolari, Jay Kelath, Aishwarya Rammohan, Richard Ozer, Gloria Ng, Wesley Chang, Pat Boyce
AAS 237, 2020
Project training example
6 members of the East Bay Astronomical Society will be introduced to the ExoplanetTransit Interpretation Code (EXOTIC) and will be guided through a complete transitand reference star analysis
Transit Analysis of TOI 1780.01
Sujay Nair
Exodem 2020 Caltech, 2020
We analyze the mid-transit times and comparison stars for the exoplanet TOI 1780.01.
Mid-transit and Reference Star Analysis of HAT-P-37 b and Kepler-45 b
Sujay Nair
Exoplanet3 Heidelberg, 2020
Conference Page (Posters not publicly available)
We analyzed the mid-transit times and comparison stars for the exoplanets HAT-P-37 b and Kepler-45 b
Transit Analysis of Exoplanets TrES-5b and WASP-43b
Sujay Nair, Jonathan Varghese
Research Notes of the AAS (RNAAS), 236th AAS, 2020
Additional project interview
We analyzed the transit properties of TrES-5b using many comparison stars and explored its extremely dim host star.
Analysis of Candidate Exoplanet TOI717.01 and Confirmed HAT-P-3b
Sujay Nair, Krithi Koodli, Elliott Chalcraft, Kalee Tock
SAS, 2020
Analysis of transit properties of 2 exoplanets with 7 total image reduction methods.
Analysis of HAT-P-23b, Qatar-1b, WASP-2b, and WASP-33b with an Optimized EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code
Sujay Nair, Jonathan Varghese, Kalee Tock, Robert Zellem
Society for Astronomical Sciences (SAS), 2020
We analyzed 4 exoplanets and edited the Exoplanet Transit Interpretation Code to provide faster photometric analysis.
Investigation of 14 Wide Common Proper Motion Doubles
Caputo et al.
Journal of Double Star Observations (JDSO), 2020
We investigated 14 physical systems from the Washington Double Star Catalogue. We used our measurements to assess the probability of gravitational relationships.
Utilizing Small Telescopes by Citizen Scientists for Transiting Exoplanet Follow-Up
Zellem et al.
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific (PASP), 2020
From analyzing mid-transit times for many exoplanets, observations from small (<1m)telescopes can increase observational efficiency of large observatories.
Freshening Exoplanet Transit Midpoints
Quinn Perian, Sujay Nair, Kalee Tock
235th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS), 2020
In this study, we studied the effects of different comparison stars on the corresponding light curve and worked with 6 photometric functions.